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MTL 5549

2023-09-25 15:49 已有人浏览 小编


产品MTL 5549





电话 15359273790


MTL 5549





作为基于PC机的上位控制单元,运动控制卡在专机系统的开发过程中,具有更大的灵活件和开放性,使得使用者能在短期内开发出功合绳大的运动控制系统,正因为以上的特点,专业运动控制卡不仅在机床行业得到大量推广使用,而且在在许多小型专机系统中也得到广泛地应用。链接库(DLL),使用者可以很快在Windows系统条件下开发出自己的运动控制系统。而且针对Win的多任务机制,运动控制卡采用了虚拟设备驱动(VXD)技术,很好地解决了Wn条件下的控制系统的实时性问题。在程序实行初始化时,利用声明模块(MPC01,BAS ),以头文件的形式将动态链接库实行链接后,使用者就可以象调用Windows内部函数一样来调用板卡的运动控制函数。

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In a motion control system, the motion control card is the core module of the control system and the most closely related to the design purpose of the control system. Once the motion control card is selected, other designs must be selected and designed around motion control. Therefore, how to choose a motion control card is very important for the design of the motion control system.

1. Working principle of motion control card

The motion control card is a bus based motor motion control card that uses a dedicated control chip as the core device. The input and output signals are all photoelectric isolated, and can be connected to various types of stepper motor drivers to drive stepper motors, forming a high sensitivity position control system or speed regulation system. It can form a master-slave control structure with the computer unit: the computer is responsible for managing the human-machine interface and other management work, And the motion control card is responsible for all the details of motion control. Motion control card users can easily and quickly develop their desired motion control functions through the dynamic link library provided by the manufacturer,

2. Analysis of the Advantages of Using Motion Control Cards

As a PC based upper control unit, motion control cards have greater flexibility and openness in the development process of specialized computer systems, allowing users to develop motion control systems with large power output in a short period of time. Due to the above characteristics, professional motion control cards are not only widely promoted and used in the machine tool industry, but also widely used in many small specialized computer systems. Link Library (DLL) allows users to quickly develop their own motion control system under Windows system conditions. Moreover, in response to Win's multitasking mechanism, the motion control card adopts Virtual Device Driver (VXD) technology, which effectively solves the real-time problem of the control system under Wn conditions. When initializing the program, the declaration module (MPC01, BAS) is used to link the dynamic link library in the form of a header file. Users can then call the motion control function of the board just like calling Windows internal functions.